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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the Fire Pool Hydrant System do?

Fire Pool enables pool owners to effectively use their pool's existing equipment and water to prepare for approaching wildfire. Your pool water gets diverted through purpose-built valving to pressurize fire hoses and nozzles. With it, structures and surrounding property can be kept wet during a wildfire event. Drifting embers can be extinguished before they can ignite new fires. Other uses include, but are not limited to, providing a refill for Fire Department apparatus, pressurizing outdoor sprinklers, emergency in-home fresh water supply.

What is included in the System?

The Fire Pool Hydrant System consists of premium American-made products and ingenuity. Included are a suction bypass, the hydrant body and valving, structural brace, spanner wrench, hard anodized aluminum adapters and sealed caps. Authentic U.S. Forestry approved fire hoses and nozzles are supplied and kept near the pool equipment in the water-tight storage drum. Concise labeling and basic instruction are part of each Fire Pool installation.


How do I use the Hydrant System?

Fire Pool is committed to your safety and success in defending your home from wildfire. Your Fire Pool installer is qualified to provide hands-on system training for the home occupants once installation is complete. Laminated set-up instructions accompany the equipment in the storage drum. A quick-start instructional video is available via the QR code printed on the laminated instruction sheet.


Will my pool/spa equipment's function be affected?

No. The Fire Pool Hydrant takes little space and will be fitted neatly into the existing plumbing. Flow rates through the system plumbing are not reduced. Furthermore, because the Fire Pool Hydrant System function is reliant on your existing pool pump, careful considerations have been made to prevent any damage to it. A Patented Pressure Relief Valve (PRV) is built into the hydrant and assures that the system water pressure is actively managed. In the event that pressurized water flow is suddenly stopped at the nozzles, the PRV activates and reduces the back pressure exerted on the pump. While water continues to flow through and cool the pump, damage to seals from over pressure is prevented.


What if the electric company cuts my power?

Per Southern California Edison, Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) in High Fire Threat Districts will disrupt the power supply to your property. Visit this page from SCE to find out if your area may be affected:

Uninterrupted electricity to run the pool equipment pump is mandatory. A generator that produces over 4,000 watts is recommended, and it should be wired to the main panel by an electrician. Solar-storing batteries may not reliably produce the necessary wattage for the duration of time needed. Fire Pool does not sell or install generators.


What if we are forced to evacuate?

As always, your safety is top priority. Fire Pool can help, but does not replace long-standing firefighting infrastructure. Always call 911 before attempting to fight fire on your own. Never rely solely on Fire Pool. Fire Pool recommends complying with Fire Department and Police evacuation orders. That said, your Fire Pool Hydrant System will be a very useful resource for the departments on the scene. Because of the PRV, your hydrant can be set up hours in advance and your pool pump can be left running so that...


   You can evacuate safely and leave a charged 1-1/2" fire hose and nozzle in your driveway, 

ready for the Fire Department to use!


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